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Functional Medicine Approach to Cycle-Related Migraines

Dreading the throbbing headaches that come along with your menstrual cycle? Cycle-related migraines can be debilitating, disrupting your life and impacting your well-being. At Revivo Health clinic, we take a Functional Medicine approach to these migraines, focusing on uncovering the root causes and developing a personalized treatment plan.

 We understand the frustration of cycle-related migraines. We’ll dig deep to unearth possible causes of your condition and address it at the root cause level. 

There’s More to the Story Than Hormones. Functional Medicine goes beyond just managing symptoms with medication. We aim to identify the underlying factors contributing to your cycle-related migraines for longer-lasting relief.

Unmasking the Triggers

Cycle-related migraines can have various contributing factors, including:

  • Estrogen fluctuations can trigger migraines in some women and in some cases progesterone fluctuations can do the same.
  • Inflammation in the body, particularly around menstruation, can worsen migraines.
  • Neurotransmitter imbalances: Imbalances in brain chemicals like serotonin can contribute to developing the condition.
  • Nutrient deficiencies, such as in magnesium, vitamin B6, folate, B12 and essential fatty acids can affect migraine frequency and severity.
  • Chronic stress disrupts hormonal balance and exacerbate migraine symptoms.

Functional Medicine Diagnosis

To identify the root cause of your cycle-related migraines, we need employ a comprehensive diagnostic approach:

  • Conventional blood tests are often required to assess hormone levels, inflammation markers, and potential nutrient deficiencies.
  • Functional Medicine tests:
    • Stool tests for assessment of gut bacteria composition, dysbiotis and potential pathogens.
    • Nutrient deficiency evaluation of essential vitamins and minerals.
    • Food sensitivity and allergy testing to identify potential food intolerances that can trigger migraines.
    • Saliva tests can be help to assess sex hormone levels throughout your cycle and assessment of cortisol and DHEA.

The Revivo Health Approach

Our goal is to empower you to manage your cycle with ease. Through a personalized Functional Medicine approach, we can help you identify triggers, address underlying causes, and develop strategies to manage cycle-related migraines effectively. With renewed energy and a cycle free from debilitating headaches, you can experience a better quality of life.

A Personalized Path to Relief

Based on your individual needs, we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include:

  • Dietary adjustments: Implementing a balanced diet rich in whole foods, addressing potential food sensitivities, and optimizing nutrient intake.
  • Hormonal balancing: Utilizing natural remedies, dietary changes, or Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) to optimize your hormonal profile.
  • Stress management: Implementing stress-reduction techniques like meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises.
  • Supplements: Utilizing targeted supplements to address identified deficiencies and support brain health.
  • Gut health restoration: Utilizing probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary modifications to promote a healthy gut microbiome.

Get in touch

Book a Consultation with us and we will deal with your queries from the comfort of your own home!